PILS Symposium: about Smart Data and AI in Life Sciences

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Yitch - Partners In Life Sciences PILS


For those who don't know PILS: Partners In Life Sciences was founded a couple of years ago by Yitch (back then as Reditech) & QbD.

Since then, PILS has grown to a group of enthusiastic, ambitious and customer-driven companies, with a strong focus on Life Sciences.


Partners In Life Sciences

For those who don't know PILS: Partners In Life Sciences was founded a couple of years ago by Yitch (back then as Reditech) & QbD.

Since then, PILS has grown to a group of enthusiastic, ambitious and customer-driven companies, with a strong focus on Life Sciences.

When we reached our 10-member milestone, the time was right to organise our first PILS event. On 18 October, we welcomed over 100 guests at Quartier Papier in Zaventem, who got to discover the novelties of 7 speakers in 3 general and 4 breakout sessions.


Renowned story tellers took our visitors on a journey and shared their knowledge.  

At PILS, we strongly believe in the strength of sharing our knowledge and the added value it generates for our customers. Therefore, we launched the PILS website where you can stay up to date on future events and get to know our members. The latest developments and trends on the market can be spotted on our Linkedin page.


We're looking forward to organising our next event, but for now: enjoy the aftermovie!





  Curious to learn more?   Reach out to us and let's start a conversation.